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Descriptional Complexity of Non-Unary Self-Verifying Symmetric Difference Automata

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 Added by EPTCS
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is English

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Previously, self-verifying symmetric difference automata were defined and a tight bound of 2^n-1-1 was shown for state complexity in the unary case. We now consider the non-unary case and show that, for every n at least 2, there is a regular language L_n accepted by a non-unary self-verifying symmetric difference nondeterministic automaton with n states, such that its equivalent minimal deterministic finite automaton has 2^n-1 states. Also, given any SV-XNFA with n states, it is possible, up to isomorphism, to find at most another |GL(n,Z_2)|-1 equivalent SV-XNFA.

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We answer two open questions by (Gruber, Holzer, Kutrib, 2009) on the state-complexity of representing sub- or superword closures of context-free grammars (CFGs): (1) We prove a (tight) upper bound of $2^{mathcal{O}(n)}$ on the size of nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs) representing the subword closure of a CFG of size $n$. (2) We present a family of CFGs for which the minimal deterministic finite automata representing their subword closure matches the upper-bound of $2^{2^{mathcal{O}(n)}}$ following from (1). Furthermore, we prove that the inequivalence problem for NFAs representing sub- or superword-closed languages is only NP-complete as opposed to PSPACE-complete for general NFAs. Finally, we extend our results into an approximation method to attack inequivalence problems for CFGs.
235 - Bianca Truthe 2010
We investigate the descriptional complexity of limited propagating Lindenmayer systems and their deterministic and tabled variants with respect to the number of rules and the number of symbols. We determine the decrease of complexity when the generative capacity is increased. For incomparable families, we give languages that can be described more efficiently in either of these families than in the other.
We revisit the complexity of procedures on SFAs (such as intersection, emptiness, etc.) and analyze them according to the measures we find suitable for symbolic automata: the number of states, the maximal number of transitions exiting a state, and the size of the most complex transition predicate. We pay attention to the special forms of SFAs: {normalized SFAs} and {neat SFAs}, as well as to SFAs over a {monotonic} effective Boolean algebra.
Some of the most interesting and important results concerning quantum finite automata are those showing that they can recognize certain languages with (much) less resources than corresponding classical finite automata cite{Amb98,Amb09,AmYa11,Ber05,Fre09,Mer00,Mer01,Mer02,Yak10,ZhgQiu112,Zhg12}. This paper shows three results of such a type that are stronger in some sense than other ones because (a) they deal with models of quantum automata with very little quantumness (so-called semi-quantum one- and two-way automata with one qubit memory only); (b) differences, even comparing with probabilistic classical automata, are bigger than expected; (c) a trade-off between the number of classical and quantum basis states needed is demonstrated in one case and (d) languages (or the promise problem) used to show main results are very simple and often explored ones in automata theory or in communication complexity, with seemingly little structure that could be utilized.
Gauge-invariance is a mathematical concept that has profound implications in Physics---as it provides the justification of the fundamental interactions. It was recently adapted to the Cellular Automaton (CA) framework, in a restricted case. In this paper, this treatment is generalized to non-abelian gauge-invariance, including the notions of gauge-equivalent theories and gauge-invariants of configurations
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