Quantum efficiency modeling for a thick back-illuminated astronomical CCD

Abstract in English

The quantum efficiency and reflectivity of thick, back-illuminated CCDs being fabricated at LBNL for astronomical applications are modeled and compared with experiment. The treatment differs from standard thin-film optics in that (a) absorption is permitted in any film, (b) the 200--500~$mu$m thick silicon substrate is considered as a thin film in order to observe the fringing behavior at long wavelengths, and (c) by using approximate boundary conditions, absorption in the surface films is separated from absorption in the substrate. For the quantum efficiency measurements the CCDs are normally operated as CCDs, usually at $T = -140^circ$C, and at higher temperatures as photodiodes. They are mounted on mechanical substrates. Reflectivity is measured on air-backed wafer samples at room temperature. The agreement between model expectation and quantum efficiency measurement is in general satisfactory.
