Holographic constraints on Bjorken hydrodynamics at finite coupling

Abstract in English

In large-$N_c$ conformal field theories with classical holographic duals, inverse coupling constant corrections are obtained by considering higher-derivative terms in the corresponding gravity theory. In this work, we use type IIB supergravity and bottom-up Gauss-Bonnet gravity to study the dynamics of boost-invariant Bjorken hydrodynamics at finite coupling. We analyze the time-dependent decay properties of non-local observables (scalar two-point functions and Wilson loops) probing the different models of Bjorken flow and show that they can be expressed generically in terms of a few field theory parameters. In addition, our computations provide an analytically quantifiable probe of the coupling-dependent validity of hydrodynamics at early times in a simple model of heavy-ion collisions, which is an observable closely analogous to the hydrodynamization time of a quark-gluon plasma. We find that to third order in the hydrodynamic expansion, the convergence of hydrodynamics is improved and that generically, as expected from field theory considerations and recent holographic results, the applicability of hydrodynamics is delayed as the field theory coupling decreases.
