OISTER Optical and Near-Infrared Monitoring Observations of a Peculiar Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nucleus SDSS J110006.07+442144.3

Abstract in English

We present monitoring campaign observations at optical and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths for a radio-loud active galactic nucleus (AGN) at z=0.840, SDSS~J110006.07+442144.3 (hereafter, J1100+4421), which was identified during a flare phase in late February, 2014. The campaigns consist of three intensive observing runs from the discovery to March, 2015, mostly within the scheme of the OISTER collaboration. Optical-NIR light curves and simultaneous spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are obtained. Our measurements show the strongest brightening in March, 2015. We found that the optical-NIR SEDs of J1100+4421 show an almost steady shape despite the large and rapid intranight variability. This constant SED shape is confirmed to extend to $sim5~mu$m in the observed frame using the archival WISE data. Given the lack of absorption lines and the steep power-law spectrum of $alpha_{ u}sim-1.4$, where $f_{ u}propto u^{alpha_{ u}}$, synchrotron radiation by a relativistic jet with no or small contributions from the host galaxy and the accretion disk seems most plausible as an optical-NIR emission mechanism. The steep optical-NIR spectral shape and the large amplitude of variability are consistent with this object being a low $ u_{rm{peak}}$ jet-dominated AGN. In addition, sub-arcsec resolution optical imaging data taken with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam does not show a clear extended component and the spatial scales are significantly smaller than the large extensions detected at radio wavelengths. The optical spectrum of a possible faint companion galaxy does not show any emission lines at the same redshift and hence a merging hypothesis for this AGN-related activity is not supported by our observations.
