We study the average coincidence-count signal at the output of a two-mode squeezing device with $|Nrangleotimes|alpharangle$ as the two input modes. We show that the input photon-number can be resolved from the average coincidence counts. In particular, we show jumps in the average coincidence-count signal as a function of input photon-number $N$. Therefore, we propose that such a device may be deployed as photon-number-resolving detector at room temperature with high efficiency.
We present a method to reconstruct the complete statistical mode structure and optical losses of multimode conjugated optical fields using an experimentally measured joint photon-number probability distribution. We demonstrate that this method evaluates classical and non-classical properties using a single measurement technique and is well-suited for quantum mesoscopic state characterization. We obtain a nearly-perfect reconstruction of a field comprised of up to 10 modes based on a minimal set of assumptions. To show the utility of this method, we use it to reconstruct the mode structure of an unknown bright parametric down-conversion source.
Detectors that can resolve photon number are needed in many quantum information technologies. In order to be useful in quantum information processing, such detectors should be simple, easy to use, and be scalable to resolve any number of photons, as the application may require great portability such as in quantum cryptography. Here we describe the construction of a time-multiplexed detector, which uses a pair of standard avalanche photodiodes operated in Geiger mode. The detection technique is analysed theoretically and tested experimentally using a pulsed source of weak coherent light.
The concept of mode locking in laser is applied to a two-photon state with frequency entanglement. Cavity enhanced parametric down-conversion is found to produce exactly such a state. The mode-locked two-photon state exhibits a comb-like correlation function. An unbalanced Hong-Ou-Mandel type interferometer is used to measure the correlation function. A revival of the typical interference dip is observed. We will discuss schemes for engineering of quantum states in time domain.
We analyse a novel squeezing and entangling mechanism which is due to correlated Stokes and anti-Stokes photon forward scattering in a multi-level atom vapour. Following the proposal we present an experimental demonstration of 3.5 dB pulsed frequency nondegenerate squeezed (quadrature entangled) state of light using room temperature caesium vapour. The source is very robust and requires only a few milliwatts of laser power. The squeezed state is generated in the same spatial mode as the local oscillator and in a single temporal mode. The two entangled modes are separated by twice the Zeeman frequency of the vapour which can be widely tuned. The narrow-band squeezed light generated near an atomic resonance can be directly used for atom-based quantum information protocols. Its single temporal mode characteristics make it a promising resource for quantum information processing.
We report the development of a photon-number resolving detector based on a fiber-optical setup and a pair of standard avalanche photodiodes. The detector is capable of resolving individual photon numbers, and operates on the well-known principle by which a single mode input state is split into a large number (eight) of output modes. We reconstruct the photon statistics of weak coherent input light from experimental data, and show that there is a high probability of inferring the input photon number from a measurement of the number of detection events on a single run.