Optical and IR observations of SN 2013L, a Type IIn Supernova surrounded by asymmetric CSM

Abstract in English

We present optical and NIR photometry and spectroscopy of SN 2013L for the first four years post-explosion. SN 2013L was a moderately luminous (M$_{r}$ = -19.0) Type IIn supernova (SN) that showed signs of strong shock interaction with the circumstellar medium (CSM). The CSM interaction was equal to or stronger to SN 1988Z for the first 200 days and is observed at all epochs after explosion. Optical spectra revealed multi-component hydrogen lines appearing by day 33 and persisting and slowly evolving over the next few years. By day 1509 the H$alpha$ emission was still strong and exhibiting multiple peaks, hinting that the CSM was in a disc or torus around the SN. SN 2013L is part of a growing subset of SNe IIn that shows both strong CSM interaction signatures and the underlying broad lines from the SN ejecta photosphere. The presence of a blue H$alpha$ emission bump and a lack of a red peak does not appear to be due to dust obscuration since an identical profile is seen in Pa$beta$. Instead this suggests a high concentration of material on the near-side of the SN or a disc inclination of roughly edge-on and hints that SN 2013L was part of a massive interactive binary system. Narrow H$alpha$ P-Cygni lines that persist through the entirety of the observations measure a progenitor outflow speed of 80--130 km s$^{-1}$, speeds normally associated with extreme red supergiants, yellow hypergiants, or luminous blue variable winds. This progenitor scenario is also consistent with an inferred progenitor mass-loss rate of 0.3 - 8.0 $times$ 10$^{-3}$ M$_{sun}$ yr$^{-1}$.
