Neutrino self-energy with new physics effects in an external magnetic field

Abstract in English

We compute the magnetic dipole moment (MDM) for massive flavor neutrinos using the neutrino self-energy in a magnetized media. The framework to incorporate neutrino masses is one minimal extension of the Standard Model in which neutrinos are Dirac particles and their masses coming from tiny Yukawa couplings from a second Higgs doublet with a small vacuum expectation value. The computations are carried out by using proper time formalism in the weak field approximation $eB<<m_{e}^{2}$ and assuming normal hierarchy for neutrino masses and sweeping the charged Higgs mass. For $ u_{tau}$, analyses in the neutrino specific scenario indicate magnetic dipole moments greater than the values obtained to the MDM in the SM (with and without magnetic fields) and other flavor conserving models. This fact leading a higher proximity with experimental bounds and so on it is possible to get stronger exclusion limits over new physics parameter space.
