Continuous-time random-walk model for anomalous diffusion in expanding media

Abstract in English

Expanding media are typical in many different fields, e.g. in Biology and Cosmology. In general, a medium expansion (contraction) brings about dramatic changes in the behavior of diffusive transport properties. Here, we focus on such effects when the diffusion process is described by the Continuous Time Random Walk (CTRW) model. For the case where the jump length and the waiting time probability density functions (pdfs) are long-tailed, we derive a general bifractional diffusion equation which reduces to a normal diffusion equation in the appropriate limit. We then study some particular cases of interest, including Levy flights and subdiffusive CTRWs. In the former case, we find an analytical exact solution for the Greens function (propagator). When the expansion is sufficiently fast, the contribution of the diffusive transport becomes irrelevant at long times and the propagator tends to a stationary profile in the comoving reference frame. In contrast, for a contracting medium a competition between the spreading effect of diffusion and the concentrating effect of contraction arises. For a subdiffusive CTRW in an exponentially contracting medium, the latter effect prevails for sufficiently long times, and all the particles are eventually localized at a single point in physical space. This Big Crunch effect stems from inefficient particle spreading due to subdiffusion. We also derive a hierarchy of differential equations for the moments of the transport process described by the subdiffusive CTRW model. In the case of an exponential expansion, exact recurrence relations for the Laplace-transformed moments are obtained. Our results confirm the intuitive expectation that the medium expansion hinders the mixing of diffusive particles occupying separate regions. In the case of Levy flights, we quantify this effect by means of the so-called Levy horizon.
