On the Evaluation of Silicon Photomultipliers for Use as Photosensors in Liquid Xenon Detectors

Abstract in English

Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are potential solid-state alternatives to traditional photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) for single-photon detection. In this paper, we report on evaluating SensL MicroFC-10035-SMT SiPMs for their suitability as PMT replacements. The devices were successfully operated in a liquid-xenon detector, which demonstrates that SiPMs can be used in noble element time projection chambers as photosensors. The devices were also cooled down to 170 K to observe dark count dependence on temperature. No dependencies on the direction of an applied 3.2 kV/cm electric field were observed with respect to dark-count rate, gain, or photon detection efficiency.
