Connecting Different TMD Factorization Formalisms in QCD

Abstract in English

In the original Collins-Soper-Sterman (CSS) presentation of the results of transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) factorization for the Drell-Yan process, results for perturbative coefficients can be obtained from calculations for collinear factorization. Here we show how to use these results, plus known results for the quark form factor, to obtain coefficients for TMD factorization in more recent formulations, e.g., that due to Collins, and apply them to known results at order $alpha_s^2$ and $alpha_s^3$. We also show that the non-perturbative functions as obtained from fits to data are equal in the two schemes. We compile the higher-order perturbative inputs needed for the updated CSS scheme by appealing to results obtained in a variety of different formalisms. In addition, we derive the connection between bo
