The moduli space of points in quaternionic projective space

Abstract in English

Let $mathcal{M}(n,m;F bp^n)$ be the configuration space of $m$-tuples of pairwise distinct points in $F bp^n$, that is, the quotient of the set of $m$-tuples of pairwise distinct points in $F bp^n$ with respect to the diagonal action of ${rm PU}(1,n;F)$ equipped with the quotient topology. It is an important problem in hyperbolic geometry to parameterize $mathcal{M}(n,m;F bp^n)$ and study the geometric and topological structures on the associated parameter space. In this paper, by mainly using the rotation-normalized and block-normalized algorithms, we construct the parameter spaces of both $mathcal{M}(n,m; bhq)$ and $mathcal{M}(n,m;bp(V_+))$, respectively.
