Direct observation of the Higgs amplitude mode in a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet near the quantum critical point

Abstract in English

Spontaneous symmetry-breaking quantum phase transitions play an essential role in condensed matter physics. The collective excitations in the broken-symmetry phase near the quantum critical point can be characterized by fluctuations of phase and amplitude of the order parameter. The phase oscillations correspond to the massless Nambu$-$Goldstone modes whereas the massive amplitude mode, analogous to the Higgs boson in particle physics, is prone to decay into a pair of low-energy Nambu$-$Goldstone modes in low dimensions. Especially, observation of a Higgs amplitude mode in two dimensions is an outstanding experimental challenge. Here, using the inelastic neutron scattering and applying the bond-operator theory, we directly and unambiguously identify the Higgs amplitude mode in a two-dimensional S=1/2 quantum antiferromagnet C$_9$H$_{18}$N$_2$CuBr$_4$ near a quantum critical point in two dimensions. Owing to an anisotropic energy gap, it kinematically prevents such decay and the Higgs amplitude mode acquires an infinite lifetime.
