Many edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees in general graphs

Abstract in English

A rainbow spanning tree in an edge-colored graph is a spanning tree in which each edge is a different color. Carraher, Hartke, and Horn showed that for $n$ and $C$ large enough, if $G$ is an edge-colored copy of $K_n$ in which each color class has size at most $n/2$, then $G$ has at least $lfloor n/(Clog n)rfloor$ edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees. Here we strengthen this result by showing that if $G$ is any edge-colored graph with $n$ vertices in which each color appears on at most $deltacdotlambda_1/2$ edges, where $deltageq Clog n$ for $n$ and $C$ sufficiently large and $lambda_1$ is the second-smallest eigenvalue of the normalized Laplacian matrix of $G$, then $G$ contains at least $leftlfloorfrac{deltacdotlambda_1}{Clog n}rightrfloor$ edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees.
