Incarnation of Majorana Fermions in Kitaev Quantum Spin Lattice

Abstract in English

Kitaev quantum spin liquid is a topological magnetic quantum state characterized by Majorana fermions of fractionalized spin excitations, which are identical to their own antiparticles. Here, we demonstrate emergence of Majorana fermions thermally fractionalized in the Kitaev honeycomb spin lattice {alpha}-RuCl3. The specific heat data unveil the characteristic two-stage release of magnetic entropy involving localized and itinerant Majorana fermions. The inelastic neutron scattering results further corroborate these two distinct fermions by exhibiting quasielastic excitations at low energies around the Brillouin zone center and Y-shaped magnetic continuum at high energies, which are evident for the ferromagnetic Kitaev model. Our results provide an opportunity to build a unified conceptual framework of fractionalized excitations, applicable also for the quantum Hall states, superconductors, and frustrated magnets.
