Observation of pseudogap in MgB2

Abstract in English

Pseudogap phase in superconductors continues to be an outstanding puzzle that differentiates unconventional superconductors from the conventional ones (BCS-superconductors). Employing high resolution photoemission spectroscopy on a highly dense conventional superconductor, MgB2, we discover an interesting scenario. While the spectral evolution close to the Fermi energy is commensurate to BCS descriptions as expected, the spectra in the wider energy range reveal emergence of a pseudogap much above the superconducting transition temperature indicating apparent departure from the BCS scenario. The energy scale of the pseudogap is comparable to the energy of E2g phonon mode responsible for superconductivity in MgB2 and the pseudogap can be attributed to the effect of electron-phonon coupling on the electronic structure. These results reveal a scenario of the emergence of the superconducting gap within an electron-phonon coupling induced pseudogap.
