Surface pressure and shear stress field within a frictional contact on rubber

Abstract in English

This paper addresses the issue of the determination of the frictional stress distribution from the inversion of the measured surface displacement field for sliding interfaces between a glass lens and a rubber (poly(dimethylsiloxane)) substrate. Experimental results show that high lateral strains are achieved at the periphery of the sliding contacts. As a consequence, an accurate inversion of the displacement field requires that finite strains and non linear response of the rubber substrate are taken into account. For that purpose, a Finite Element (FE) inversion procedure is implemented where the measured displacement field is applied as a boundary condition at the upper surface of a meshed body representing the rubber substrate. Normal pressure is also determined by the same way, if non-diverging values are assumed at the contact edge. This procedure is applied to linearly sliding contacts as well as on twisting contacts.
