Investigation of Feshbach Resonances in ultra-cold 40 K spin mixtures

Abstract in English

Magnetically-tunable Feshbach resonances are an indispensable tool for experiments with atomic quantum gases. We report on twenty thus far unpublished Feshbach resonances and twenty one further probable Feshbach resonances in spin mixtures of ultracold fermionic 40 K with temperatures well below 100 nK. In particular, we locate a broad resonance at B=389.6 G with a magnetic width of 26.4 G. Here 1 G=10^-4 T. Furthermore, by exciting low-energy spin waves, we demonstrate a novel means to precisely determine the zero crossing of the scattering length for this broad Feshbach resonance. Our findings allow for further tunability in experiments with ultracold 40 K quantum gases.
