A Self-Consistent Model for a Full Cycle of Recurrent Novae -- Wind Mass Loss Rate and X-Ray Luminosity

Abstract in English

An unexpectedly slow evolution in the pre-optical-maximum phase was suggested in the very short recurrence period nova M31N 2008-12a. To obtain reasonable nova light curves we have improved our calculation method by consistently combining optically thick wind solutions of hydrogen-rich envelopes with white dwarf (WD) structures calculated by a Henyey-type evolution code. The wind mass loss rate is properly determined with high accuracy. We have calculated light curve models for 1.2 and 1.38 M_sun WDs with mass accretion rates corresponding to recurrence periods of 10 and 1 yr, respectively. The outburst lasts 590/29 days in which the pre-optical-maximum phase is 82/16 days, for 1.2/1.38 M_sun, respectively. Optically thick winds start at the end of X-ray flash and cease at the beginning of supersoft X-ray phase. We also present supersoft X-ray light curves including a prompt X-ray flash and later supersoft X-ray phase.
