A re-analysis of the NuSTAR and XMM-Newton broad-band spectrum of Ser~X-1

Abstract in English

Context: Ser X-1 is a well studied LMXB which clearly shows a broad iron line. Recently, Miller et al. (2103) have presented broad-band, high quality NuSTAR data of SerX-1.Using relativistically smeared self-consistent reflection models, they find a value of R_in close to 1.0 R_ISCO (corresponding to 6 R_g), and a low inclination angle, less than 10 deg. Aims: The aim of this paper is to probe to what extent the choice of reflection and continuum models (and uncertainties therein) can affect the conclusions about the disk parameters inferred from the reflection component. To this aim we re-analyze all the available public NuSTAR and XMM-Newton. Ser X-1 is a well studied source, its spectrum has been observed by several instruments, and is therefore one of the best sources for this study. Methods: We use slightly different continuum and reflection models with respect to those adopted in literature for this source. In particular we fit the iron line and other reflection features with self-consistent reflection models as reflionx (with a power-law illuminating continuum modified with a high energy cutoff to mimic the shape of the incident Comptonization spectrum) and rfxconv. With these models we fit NuSTAR and XMM-Newton spectra yielding consistent spectral results. Results: Our results are in line with those already found by Miller et al. (2013) but less extreme. In particular, we find the inner disk radius at about 13 R_g and an inclination angle with respect to the line of sight of about 27 deg. We conclude that, while the choice of the reflection model has little impact on the disk parameters, as soon as a self-consistent model is used, the choice of the continuum model can be important in the precise determination of the disk parameters from the reflection component. Hence broad-band X-ray spectra are highly preferable to constrain the continuum and disk parameters.
