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SCUSS u-Band Emission as a Star-Formation-Rate Indicator

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 Added by Zhi-Min Zhou
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present and analyze the possibility of using optical ${it u}$-band luminosities to estimate star-formation rates (SFRs) of galaxies based on the data from the South Galactic Cap ${it u }$ band Sky Survey (SCUSS), which provides a deep ${it u}$-band photometric survey covering about 5000 $deg^2$ of the South Galactic Cap. Based on two samples of normal star-forming galaxies selected by the BPT diagram, we explore the correlations between ${it u}$-band, H$alpha$, and IR luminosities by combing SCUSS data with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and ${it Wide}$-${it field Infrared Survey Explorer}$ (${it WISE}$). The attenuation-corrected ${it u}$-band luminosities are tightly correlated with the Balmer decrement-corrected H$alpha$ luminosities with an rms scatter of $sim$ 0.17 dex. The IR-corrected ${it u }$ luminosities are derived based on the correlations between the attenuation of ${it u}$-band luminosities and ${it WISE}$ 12 (or 22) $mu$m luminosities, and then calibrated with the Balmer-corrected H$alpha$ luminosities. The systematic residuals of these calibrations are tested against the physical properties over the ranges covered by our sample objects. We find that the best-fitting nonlinear relations are better than the linear ones and recommended to be applied in the measurement of SFRs. The systematic deviations mainly come from the pollution of old stellar population and the effect of dust extinction; therefore, a more detailed analysis is needed in the future work.

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The brightest observed emission line in many star-forming galaxies is the [CII] 158 micron line, making it detectable up to z~7. In order to better understand and quantify the [CII] emission as a tracer of star-formation, the theoretical ratio between the [NII] 205 micron emission and the [CII] 158 micron emission has been employed to empirically determine the fraction of [CII] emission that originates from the ionized and neutral phases of the ISM. Sub-kiloparsec measurements of the [CII] 158 micron and [NII] 205 micron line in nearby galaxies have recently become available as part of the Key Insights in Nearby Galaxies: a Far Infrared Survey with Herschel (KINGFISH) and Beyond the Peak (BtP) programs. With the information from these two far-infrared lines along with the multi-wavelength suite of KINGFISH data, a calibration of the [CII] emission line as a star formation rate indicator and a better understanding of the [CII] deficit are pursued. [CII] emission is also compared to PAH emission in these regions to compare photoelectric heating from PAH molecules to cooling by [CII] in the neutral and ionized phases of the ISM. We find that the [CII] emission originating in the neutral phase of the ISM does not exhibit a deficit with respect to the infrared luminosity and is therefore preferred over the [CII] emission originating in the ionized phase of the ISM as a star formation rate indicator for the normal star-forming galaxies included in this sample.
The [CII] 157.74 $mu$m transition is the dominant coolant of the neutral interstellar gas, and has great potential as a star formation rate (SFR) tracer. Using the Herschel KINGFISH sample of 46 nearby galaxies, we investigate the relation of [CII] surface brightness and luminosity with SFR. We conclude that [CII] can be used for measurements of SFR on both global and kiloparsec scales in normal star-forming galaxies in the absence of strong active galactic nuclei (AGN). The uncertainty of the $Sigma_{rm [CII]}-Sigma_{rm SFR}$ calibration is $pm$0.21 dex. The main source of scatter in the correlation is associated with regions that exhibit warm IR colors, and we provide an adjustment based on IR color that reduces the scatter. We show that the color-adjusted $Sigma_{rm[CII]}-Sigma_{rm SFR}$ correlation is valid over almost 5 orders of magnitude in $Sigma_{rm SFR}$, holding for both normal star-forming galaxies and non-AGN luminous infrared galaxies. Using [CII] luminosity instead of surface brightness to estimate SFR suffers from worse systematics, frequently underpredicting SFR in luminous infrared galaxies even after IR color adjustment (although this depends on the SFR measure employed). We suspect that surface brightness relations are better behaved than the luminosity relations because the former are more closely related to the local far-UV field strength, most likely the main parameter controlling the efficiency of the conversion of far-UV radiation into gas heating. A simple model based on Starburst99 population-synthesis code to connect SFR to [CII] finds that heating efficiencies are $1%-3%$ in normal galaxies.
We present, for the first time, a statistical study of [N II] 205 mciron line emission for a large sample of local luminous infrared galaxies using Herschel Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver Fourier Transform Spectrometer (SPIRE FTS) data. For our sample of galaxies, we investigate the correlation between the [N II] luminosity (LNII) and the total infrared luminosity (LIR), as well as the dependence of LNII/LIR ratio on LIR, far infrared colors (IRAS $f_{60}/f_{100}$) and the [O III] 88 micron to [N II] luminosity ratio. We find that LNII correlates almost linearly with LIR for non AGN galaxies (all having $L_{IR} < 10^{12} L_solar$) in our sample, which implies that LNII can serve as a SFR tracer which is particularly useful for high redshift galaxies which will be observed with forthcoming submm spectroscopic facilities such as the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. Our analysis shows that the deviation from the mean LNII-LIR relation correlates with tracers of the ionization parameter, which suggests the scatter in this relation is mainly due to the variations in the hardness, and/or ionization parameter, of the ambient galactic UV field among the sources in our sample.
237 - Daniel T. Haydon 2018
We recently presented a new statistical method to constrain the physics of star formation and feedback on the cloud scale by reconstructing the underlying evolutionary timeline. However, by itself this new method only recovers the relative durations of different evolutionary phases. To enable observational applications, it therefore requires knowledge of an absolute reference time-scale to convert relative time-scales into absolute values. The logical choice for this reference time-scale is the duration over which the star formation rate (SFR) tracer is visible because it can be characterised using stellar population synthesis (SPS) models. In this paper, we calibrate this reference time-scale using synthetic emission maps of several SFR tracers, generated by combining the output from a hydrodynamical disc galaxy simulation with the SPS model SLUG2. We apply our statistical method to obtain self-consistent measurements of each tracers reference time-scale. These include H${alpha}$ and 12 ultraviolet (UV) filters (from GALEX, Swift, and HST), which cover a wavelength range 150-350 nm. At solar metallicity, the measured reference time-scales of H${alpha}$ are ${4.32^{+0.09}_{-0.23}}$ Myr with continuum subtraction, and 6-16 Myr without, where the time-scale increases with filter width. For the UV filters we find 17-33 Myr, nearly monotonically increasing with wavelength. The characteristic time-scale decreases towards higher metallicities, as well as to lower star formation rate surface densities, owing to stellar initial mass function sampling effects. We provide fitting functions for the reference time-scale as a function of metallicity, filter width, or wavelength, to enable observational applications of our statistical method across a wide variety of galaxies.
Context: We use the first XMM serendipitous source catalogue (1XMM) to compile a sample of normal X-ray galaxies Aims: We seek to expand the database of X-ray selected normal galaxies at intermediate redshifts and examine the relation between X-ray emission and star formation for late-type systems Methods: The candidates are selected based on their X-ray (soft spectra), X-ray to optical [log(fx/fo)<-2] and optical (extended sources) properties. 44 candidates are found and 35 are spectroscopically observed with the Australian National Universitys 2.3m telescope to examine their nature. Results: Of the 35 sources observed, 2 are AGN, 11 emission line galaxies, 12 absorption line galaxies, 6 have featureless spectra while 4 are associated with Galactic stars. We combine our emission line sample with earlier works forming the most comprehensive X-ray selected galaxy sample for the study of the X-ray luminosity to the Halpha luminosity - a well-calibrated star-formation indicator - relation. Conclusions: We find that the X-ray luminosity strongly correlates with the Halpha luminosity, suggesting that the X-rays efficiently trace the star-formation.
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