Millimeter Spectral Line Mapping Observations Toward Four Massive Star Forming HII Regions

Abstract in English

We present spectral line mapping observations toward four massive star-forming regions (Cepheus A, DR21S, S76E and G34.26+0.15), with the IRAM 30 meter telescope at 2 mm and 3 mm bands. Totally 396 spectral lines from 51 molecules, one helium recombination line, ten hydrogen recombination lines, and 16 unidentified lines were detected in these four sources. An emission line of nitrosyl cyanide (ONCN, 14$_{0,14}$-13$_{0,13}$) was detected in G34.26+0.15, as first detection in massive star-forming regions. We found that the $c$-C$_{3}$H$_{2}$ and NH$_{2}$D show enhancement in shocked regions as suggested by evidences of SiO and/or SO emission. Column density and rotational temperature of CH$_{3}$CN were estimated with the rotational diagram method for all four sources. Isotope abundance ratios of $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C were derived using HC$_{3}$N and its $^{13}$C isotopologue, which were around 40 in all four massive star-forming regions and slightly lower than the local interstellar value ($sim$65). $^{14}$N/$^{15}$N and $^{16}$O/$^{18}$O abundance ratios in these sources were also derived using double isotopic method, which were slightly lower than that in local interstellar medium. Except for Cep A, $^{33}$S/$^{34}$S ratio in the other three targets were derived, which were similar to that in the local interstellar medium. The column density ratios of N(DCN)/N(HCN) and N(DCO$^{+}$)/N(HCO$^{+}$) in these sources were more than two orders of magnitude higher than the elemental [D]/[H] ratio, which is 1.5$times$10$ ^{-5}$. Our results show the later stage sources, G34.26+0.15 in particular, present more molecular species than earlier stage ones. Evidence of shock activity is seen in all stages studied.
