Bloch oscillations and accelerated Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice

Abstract in English

We discuss the method for the measurement of the gravity acceleration g by means of Bloch oscillations of an accelerated BEC in an optical lattice. This method has a theoretical critical point due to the fact that the period of the Bloch oscillations depends, in principle, on the initial shape of the BEC wavepacket. Here, by making use of the nearest-neighbor model for the numerical analysis of the BEC wavefunction, we show that in real experiments the period of the Bloch oscillations does not really depend on the shape of the initial wavepacket and that the relative uncertainty, due to the fact that the initial shape of the wavepacket may be asymmetrical, is smaller than the one due to experimental errors. Furthermore, we also show that the relation between the oscillation period and the scattering length of the BECs atoms is linear; this fact suggest us a new experimental procedure for the measurement of the scattering length of atoms.
