Asymptotic freedom in the Hamiltonian approach to binding of color

Abstract in English

We derive asymptotic freedom and the $SU(3)$ Yang-Mills $beta$-function using the renormalization group procedure for effective particles. In this procedure, the concept of effective particles of size $s$ is introduced. Effective particles in the Fock space build eigenstates of the effective Hamiltonian $H_s$, which is a matrix written in a basis that depend on the scale (or size) parameter $s$. The effective Hamiltonians $H_s$ and the (regularized) canonical Hamiltonian $H_{0}$ are related by a similarity transformation. We calculate the effective Hamiltonian by solving its renormalization-group equation perturbatively up to third order and calculate the running coupling from the three-gluon-vertex function in the effective Hamiltonian operator.
