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We propose that the flavor structure of the standard model is based on a horizontal $SU(2)$ symmetry. It generically predicts (i) a parametrically small mass for the lightest charged fermions, (ii) small mixings in the quark sector, and (iii) suppression of flavor-changing neutral currents. Supplemented with the assumption of a strong hierarchy between the second- and third- generation masses, it also predicts (iv) a large $CP$-violating phase in the quark sector. Only Majorana neutrinos allow for large mixings in the lepton sector. In this case, this framework further predicts (v) near-maximal $theta_{23}^l$, (vi) a normal hierarchy of neutrino masses, and (vii) large $CP$ violation in the lepton sector.
We propose a model having a gauged $SU(2)$ symmetry associated with the second and third generations of leptons, dubbed $SU(2)_{mutau}$, of which $U(1)_{L_mu-L_tau}$ is an Abelian subgroup. In addition to the Standard Model fields, we introduce two types of scalar fields. One exotic scalar field is an $SU(2)_{mutau}$ doublet and SM singlet that develops a nonzero vacuum expectation value at presumably multi-TeV scale to completely break the $SU(2)_{mutau}$ symmetry, rendering three massive gauge bosons. At the same time, the other exotic scalar field, carrying electroweak as well as $SU(2)_{mutau}$ charges, is induced to have a nonzero vacuum expectation value as well and breaks mass degeneracy between the muon and tau. We examine how the new particles in the model contribute to the muon anomalous magnetic moment in the parameter space compliant with the Michel decays of tau.
We introduce the flavor symmetry ${bf Z}_M times {bf Z}_N times D_4$ into the $SU(6) times SU(2)_R$ string-inspired model. The cyclic group ${bf Z}_M$ and the dihedral group $D_4$ are R symmetries, while ${bf Z}_N$ is a non-R symmetry. By imposing the anomaly-free conditions on the model, we obtain a viable solution under many phenomenological constraints coming from the particle spectra. For neutrino sector, we find a LMA-MSW solution but not SMA-MSW ones. The solution includes phenomenologically acceptable results concerning fermion masses and mixings and also concerning hierarchical energy scales including the GUT scale, the $mu$ scale and the Majorana mass scale of R-handed neutrinos.
The lepton masses and mixings are studied on the basis of string inspired $SU(6)times SU(2)_R$ model with global flavor symmetries. Provided that sizable mixings between lepton doublets $L$ and Higgsino-like fields $H_d$ with even R-parity occur and that seesaw mechanism is at work in the neutrino sector, the model can yield a large mixing angle solution with $tan theta_{12}, tan theta_{23} = O(sqrt{l})$ $({l}= 0.22)$, which is consistent with the recent experimental data on atmospheric and solar neutrinos. In the solution Dirac mass hierarchies in the neutrino sector cancel out with the heavy Majorana sector in large part due to seesaw mechanism. Hierarchical pattern of charged lepton masses can be also explained.
In the $SU(6) times SU(2)_R$ string-inspired model, we evolve the couplings and the masses down from the string scale $M_S$ using the renormalization group equations and minimize the effective potential. This model has the flavor symmetry including the binary dihedral group $tilde{D}_4$. We show that the scalar mass squared of the gauge non-singlet matter field possibly goes negative slightly below the string scale. As a consequence, the precocious radiative breaking of the gauge symmetry down to the standard model gauge group can occur. In the present model, the large Yukawa coupling which plays an important role in the symmetry breaking is identical with the colored Higgs coupling related to the longevity of the proton.
We present the lepton flavor model with $Delta (54)$, which appears typically in heterotic string models on the $T^2/Z_3$ orbifold. Our model reproduces the tri-bimaximal mixing in the parameter region around degenerate neutrino masses or two massless neutrinos. We predict the deviation from the tri-bimaximal mixing by putting the experimental data of neutrino masses in the normal hierarchy of neutrino masses. The upper bound of $sin^2theta_{13}$ is 0.01. There is the strong correlation between $theta_{23}$ and $theta_{13}$. Unless $theta_{23}$ is deviated from the maximal mixing considerably, $theta_{13}$ remains to be tiny.