Infinitesimal Automorphisms of VB-groupoids and algebroids

Abstract in English

VB-groupoids and algebroids are vector bundle objects in the categories of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids respectively, and they are related via the Lie functor. VB-groupoids and algebroids play a prominent role in Poisson and related geometries. Additionally, they can be seen as models for vector bundles over singular spaces. In this paper we study their infinitesimal automorphisms, i.e. vector fields on them generating a flow by diffeomorphisms preserving both the linear and the groupoid/algebroid structures. For a special class of VB-groupoids/algebroids coming from representations of Lie groupoids/algebroids, we prove that infinitesimal automorphisms are the same as multiplicative sections of a certain derivation groupoid/algebroid.
