Spin caloritronic nano-oscillator

Abstract in English

Energy loss due to ohmic heating is a major bottleneck limiting down-scaling and speed of nano-electronic devices, and harvesting ohmic heat for signal processing is a major challenge in modern electronics. Here we demonstrate that thermal gradients arising from ohmic heating can be utilized for excitation of coherent auto-oscillations of magnetization and for generation of tunable microwave signals. The heat-driven dynamics is observed in $mathrm{Y_{3}Fe_{5}O_{12}/Pt}$ bilayer nanowires where ohmic heating of the Pt layer results in injection of pure spin current into the $mathrm{Y_{3}Fe_{5}O_{12}}$ layer. This leads to excitation of auto-oscillations of the $mathrm{Y_{3}Fe_{5}O_{12}}$ magnetization and generation of coherent microwave radiation. Our work paves the way towards spin caloritronic devices for microwave and magnonic applications.
