Tans contact of a harmonically trapped one-dimensional Bose gas: strong-coupling expansion and conjectural approach at arbitrary interactions

Abstract in English

We study Tans contact, i.e. the coefficient of the high-momentum tails of the momentum distribution at leading order, for an interacting one-dimensional Bose gas subjected to a harmonic confinement. Using a strong-coupling systematic expansion of the ground-state energy of the homogeneous system stemming from the Bethe-Ansatz solution, together with the local-density approximation, we obtain the strong-coupling expansion for Tans contact of the harmonically trapped gas. Also, we use a very accurate conjecture for the ground-state energy of the homogeneous system to obtain an approximate expression for Tans contact for arbitrary interaction strength, thus estimating the accuracy of the strong-coupling expansion. Our results are relevant for ongoing experiments with ultracold atomic gases.
