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We study the effect of Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on the charge and spin degrees of freedom of a quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) Wigner crystal. As electrons in a quasi-1D Wigner crystal can move in the transverse direction, SOC cannot be gauged away in contrast to the pure 1D case. We show that for weak SOC, a partial gap in the spectrum opens at certain ratios between density of electrons and the inverse Rashba length. We present how the low-energy branch of charge degrees of freedom deviates due to SOC from its usual linear dependence at small wave vectors. In the case of strong SOC, we show that spin sector of a Wigner crystal cannot be described by an isotropic antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian any more, and that instead the ground state of neighboring electrons is mostly a triplet state. We present a new spin sector Hamiltonian and discuss the spectrum of Wigner crystal in this limit.
The excitation gap above the Majorana fermion (MF) modes at the ends of 1D topological superconducting (TS) semiconductor wires scales with the bulk quasiparticle gap E_{qp}. This gap, also called minigap, facilitates experimental detection of the pristine TS state and MFs at experimentally accessible temperatures T << E_{qp}. Here we show that the linear scaling of minigap with E_{qp} can fail in quasi-1D wires with multiple confinement bands when the applied Zeeman field is greater than or equal to about half of the confinement-induced bandgap. TS states in such wires have an approximate chiral symmetry supporting multiple near zero energy modes at each end leading to a minigap which can effectively vanish. We show that the problem of small minigap in such wires can be resolved by forcing the system to break the approximate chirality symmetry externally with a second Zeeman field. Although experimental signatures such as zero bias peak from the wire ends is suppressed by the second Zeeman field above a critical value, such a field is required in some important parameter regimes of quasi-1D wires to isolate the topological physics of end state MFs. We also discuss the crucial difference of our minigap calculations from the previously reported minigap results appropriate for idealized spinless p-wave superconductors and explain why the clustering of fermionic subgap states around the zero energy Majorana end state with increasing chemical potential seen in the latter system does not apply to the experimental TS states in spin-orbit coupled nanowires.
Quantum interference between time-reversed electron paths in two dimensions leads to the well-known weak localization correction to resistance. If spin-orbit coupling is present, the resistance correction is negative, termed weak anti-localization (WAL). Here we report the observation of WAL coexisting with exchange coupling between itinerant electrons and localized magnetic moments. We use low-temperature magneto-transport measurements to investigate the quasi-two-dimensional, high-electron-density interface formed between SrTiO$_3$ (STO) and the anti-ferromagnetic Mott insulator NdTiO$_3$ (NTO). As the magnetic field angle is gradually tilted away from the sample normal, the data reveals the interplay between strong $k$-cubic Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling and a substantial magnetic exchange interaction from local magnetic regions. The resulting quantum corrections to the conduction are in excellent agreement with existing models and allow sensitive determination of the small magnetic moments (22 $mu_B$ on average), their magnetic anisotropy and mutual coupling strength. This effect is expected to arise in other 2D magnetic materials systems.
We study electronic and magnetic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional spin-1/2 magnet Ba3Cu3Sc4O12 with a distinct orthogonal connectivity of CuO4 plaquettes. An effective low-energy model taking into account spin-orbit coupling was constructed by means of first-principles calculations. On this basis a complete microscopic magnetic model of Ba3Cu3Sc4O12, including symmetric and antisymmetric anisotropic exchange interactions, is derived. The anisotropic exchanges are obtained from a distinct first-principles numerical scheme combining, on one hand, the local density approximation taking into account spin-orbit coupling, and, on the other hand, projection procedure along with the microscopic theory by Toru Moriya. The resulting tensors of the symmetric anisotropy favor collinear magnetic order along the structural chains with the leading ferromagnetic coupling J1 = -9.88 meV. The interchain interactions J8 = 0.21 meV and J5 = 0.093 meV are antiferromagnetic. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated that the proposed model reproduces the experimental Neel temperature, magnetization and magnetic susceptibility data. The modeling of neutron diffraction data reveals an important role of the covalent Cu-O bonding in Ba3Cu3Sc4O12.
A strong coupling between the electron spin and its motion is one of the prerequisites of spin-based data storage and electronics. A major obstacle is to find spin-orbit coupled materials where the electron spin can be probed and manipulated on macroscopic length scales, for instance across the gate channel of a spin-transistor. Here, we report on millimeter-scale edge channels with a conductance quantized at a single quantum 1 $times$ $e^2/h$ at zero magnetic field. The quantum transport is found at the lateral edges of three-dimensional topological insulators made of bismuth chalcogenides. The data are explained by a lateral, one-dimensional quantum confinement of non-topological surface states with a strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling. This edge transport can be switched on and off by an electrostatic field-effect. Our results are fundamentally different from an edge transport in quantum spin Hall insulators and quantum anomalous Hall insula-tors.
We demonstrate that spin-orbit coupling (SOC) strength for electrons near the conduction band edge in few-layer $gamma$-InSe films can be tuned over a wide range. This tunability is the result of a competition between film-thickness-dependent intrinsic and electric-field-induced SOC, potentially, allowing for electrically switchable spintronic devices. Using a hybrid $mathbf{kcdot p}$ tight-binding model, fully parameterized with the help of density functional theory computations, we quantify SOC strength for various geometries of InSe-based field-effect transistors. The theoretically computed SOC strengths are compared with the results of weak antilocalization measurements on dual-gated multilayer InSe films, interpreted in terms of Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation due to SOC, showing a good agreement between theory and experiment.