Finite time Stuckelberg interferometry with nanomechanical modes

Abstract in English

Stuckelberg interferometry describes the interference of two strongly coupled modes during a double passage through an avoided energy level crossing. In this work, we experimentally investigate finite time effects in Stuckelberg interference and provide an exact analytical solution of the Stuckelberg problem. Approximating this solution in distinct limits reveals uncharted parameter regimes of Stuckelberg interferometry. Experimentally, we study these regimes using a purely classical, strongly coupled nanomechanical two-mode system of high quality factor. The classical two-mode system consists of the in-plane and out-of-plane fundamental flexural mode of a high stress silicon nitride string resonator, coupled via electric gradient fields. The dielectric control and microwave cavity enhanced universal transduction of the nanoelectromechanical system allows for the experimental access to all theoretically predicted Stuckelberg parameter regimes. We exploit our experimental and theoretical findings by studying the onset of Stuckelberg interference in dependence of the characteristic system control parameters and obtain characteristic excitation oscillations between the two modes even without the explicit need of traversing the avoided crossing. The presented theory is not limited to classical mechanical two-mode systems but can be applied to every strongly coupled (quantum) two-level system, for example a spin-1/2 system or superconducting qubit.
