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Probabilistic multi-catalogue positional cross-match

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We lay the foundations of a statistical framework for multi-catalogue cross-correlation and cross-identification based on explicit simplified catalogue models. A proper identification process should rely on both astrometric and photometric data. Under some conditions, the astrometric part and the photometric part can be processed separately and merged a posteriori to provide a single global probability of identification. The present paper addresses almost exclusively the astrometrical part and specifies the proper probabilities to be merged with photometric likelihoods. To select matching candidates in n catalogues, we used the Chi (or, indifferently, the Chi-square) test with 2(n-1) degrees of freedom. We thus call this cross-match a chi-match. In order to use Bayes formula, we considered exhaustive sets of hypotheses based on combinatorial analysis. The volume of the Chi-test domain of acceptance -- a 2(n-1)-dimensional acceptance ellipsoid -- is used to estimate the expected numbers of spurious associations. We derived priors for those numbers using a frequentist approach relying on simple geometrical considerations. Likelihoods are based on standard Rayleigh, Chi and Poisson distributions that we normalized over the Chi-test acceptance domain. We validated our theoretical results by generating and cross-matching synthetic catalogues. The results we obtain do not depend on the order used to cross-correlate the catalogues. We applied the formalism described in the present paper to build the multi-wavelength catalogues used for the science cases of the ARCHES (Astronomical Resource Cross-matching for High Energy Studies) project. Our cross-matching engine is publicly available through a multi-purpose web interface. In a longer term, we plan to integrate this tool into the CDS XMatch Service.

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Context. Although the Gaia catalogue on its own is a very powerful tool, it is the combination of this high-accuracy archive with other archives that will truly open up amazing possibilities for astronomical research. The advanced interoperation of archives is based on cross-matching, leaving the user with the feeling of working with one single data archive. The data retrieval should work not only across data archives but also across wavelength domains. The first step for a seamless access to the data is the computation of the cross-match between Gaia and external surveys. Aims. We describe the adopted algorithms and results of the pre-computed cross-match of the Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) catalogue with dense surveys (Pan-STARRS1 DR1, 2MASS, SDSS DR9, GSC 2.3, URAT-1, allWISE, PPMXL, and APASS DR9) and sparse catalogues (Hipparcos2, Tycho-2, and RAVE 5). Methods. A new algorithm is developed specifically for sparse catalogues. Improvements and changes with respect to the algorithm adopted for DR1 are described in detail. Results. The outputs of the cross-match are part of the official Gaia DR2 catalogue. The global analysis of the cross-match results is also presented.
245 - Michel Fioc 2012
We describe a simple probabilistic method to cross-identify astrophysical sources from different catalogs and provide the probability that a source is associated with a source from another catalog or that it has no counterpart. When the positional uncertainty in one of the catalog is unknown, this method may be used to derive its typical value and even to study its dependence on the size of objects. It may also be applied when the true centers of a source and of its counterpart at another wavelength do not coincide. We extend this method to the case when there are only one-to-one associations between the catalogs.
Modern astronomy increasingly relies upon systematic surveys, whose dedicated telescopes continuously observe the sky across varied wavelength ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum; some surveys also observe non-electromagnetic messengers, such as high-energy particles or gravitational waves. Stars and galaxies look different through the eyes of different instruments, and their independent measurements have to be carefully combined to provide a complete, sound picture of the multicolor and eventful universe. The association of an objects independent detections is, however, a difficult problem scientifically, computationally, and statistically, raising varied challenges across diverse astronomical applications. The fundamental problem is finding records in survey databases with directions that match to within the direction uncertainties. Such astronomic
124 - F. Arenou , X. Luri , C. Babusiaux 2017
Before the publication of the Gaia Catalogue, the contents of the first data release have undergone multiple dedicated validation tests. These tests aim at analysing in-depth the Catalogue content to detect anomalies, individual problems in specific objects or in overall statistical properties, either to filter them before the public release, or to describe the different caveats of the release for an optimal exploitation of the data. Dedicated methods using either Gaia internal data, external catalogues or models have been developed for the validation processes. They are testing normal stars as well as various populations like open or globular clusters, double stars, variable stars, quasars. Properties of coverage, accuracy and precision of the data are provided by the numerous tests presented here and jointly analysed to assess the data release content. This independent validation confirms the quality of the published data, Gaia DR1 being the most precise all-sky astrometric and photometric catalogue to-date. However, several limitations in terms of completeness, astrometric and photometric quality are identified and described. Figures describing the relevant properties of the release are shown and the testing activities carried out validating the user interfaces are also described. A particular emphasis is made on the statistical use of the data in scientific exploitation.
Cross-matching catalogues from radio surveys to catalogues of sources at other wavelengths is extremely hard, because radio sources are often extended, often consist of several spatially separated components, and often no radio component is coincident with the optical/infrared host galaxy. Traditionally, the cross-matching is done by eye, but this does not scale to the millions of radio sources expected from the next generation of radio surveys. We present an innovative automated procedure, using Bayesian hypothesis testing, that models trial radio-source morphologies with putative positions of the host galaxy. This new algorithm differs from an earlier version by allowing more complex radio source morphologies, and performing a simultaneous fit over a large field. We show that this technique performs well in an unsupervised mode.
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