Competing Exchange Interactions in the Multiferroic and Ferrimagnetic CaBaCo$_4$O$_7$

Abstract in English

Competing exchange interactions can produce complex magnetic states together with spin-induced electric polarizations. With competing interactions on alternating triangular and kagome layers, the swedenborgite CBO may have one of the largest measured spin-induced polarizations of about 1700 nC/cm$^2$ below its ferrimagnetic transition temperature at 70 K. Powder neutron-diffraction data, magnetization measurements, and spin-wave resonance frequencies in the THz range reveal that the complex spin order of multiferroic CBO can be described as a triangular array of c-axis chains ferrimagnetically coupled to each other in the ab plane. Magnetostriction on bonds that couple those chains produces the large spin-induced polarization of CBO.
