Thermo-magnetic nonlocal NJL model in the real and imaginary time formalisms

Abstract in English

In this article we study a nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (nNJL) model with a Gaussian regulator in presence of a uniform magnetic field. We take a mixed approach to the incorporation of temperature in the model, and consider aspects of both real and imaginary time formalisms. We include confinement in the model through the quasiparticle interpretation of the poles of the propagator. The effect of the magnetic field in the deconfinement phase transition is then studied. It is found that, like with chiral symmetry restoration, magnetic catalysis occurs for the deconfinement phase transition. It is also found that the magnetic field enhances the thermodynamical instability of the system. We work in the weak field limit, i.e. $(eB)<5m_pi^2$. At this level there is no splitting of the critical temperatures for chiral and deconfinement phase transitions.
