A High-Velocity Cloud Impact Forming a Supershell in the Milky Way

Abstract in English

Neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) gas in interstellar space is largely organized into filaments, loops, and shells, the most prominent of which are supershells. These gigantic structures requiring $gtrsim 3 times 10^{52}$ erg to form are generally thought to be produced by either the explosion of multiple supernovae (SNe) in OB associations or alternatively by the impact of high-velocity clouds (HVCs) falling to the Galactic disk. Here we report the detection of a kiloparsec (kpc)-size supershell in the outskirts of the Milky Way with the compact HVC 040+01$-$282 (hereafter CHVC040) at its geometrical center using the Inner-Galaxy Arecibo L-band Feed Array HI 21-cm survey data. The morphological and physical properties of both objects suggest that CHVC040, which is either a fragment of a nearby disrupted galaxy or a cloud originated from an intergalactic accreting flow, collided with the disk $sim 5$ Myrs ago to form the supershell. Our result shows that some compact HVCs can survive their trip through the Galactic halo and inject energy and momentum into the Milky Way disk.
