Magnetotransport properties of the type II Weyl semimetal candidate Ta3S2

Abstract in English

We have investigated the magnetoresistance (MR) and Hall resistivity properties of the single crystals of tantalum sulfide, Ta3S2, which was recently predicted to be a new type II Weyl semimetal. Large MR (up to ~8000% at 2 K and 16 T), field-induced metal-insulator-like transition and nonlinear Hall resistivity are observed at low temperatures. The large MR shows a strong dependence on the field orientation, leading to a giant anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) effect. For the field applied along the b-axis (B//b), MR exhibits quadratic field dependence at low fields and tends towards saturation at high fields; while for B//a, MR presents quadratic field dependence at low fields and becomes linear at high fields without any trend towards saturation. The analysis of the Hall resistivity data indicates the coexistence of a large number of electrons with low mobility and a small number of holes with high mobility. Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillation analysis reveals three fundamental frequencies originated from the three-dimensional (3D) Fermi surface (FS) pockets. We find that the semi-classical multiband model is sufficient to account for the experimentally observed MR in Ta3S2.
