Measuring the Nonlinear Refractive Index of Graphene using the Optical Kerr Effect Method

Abstract in English

By means of the ultrafast optical Kerr effect method coupled to optical heterodyne detection (OHD-OKE), we characterize the third order nonlinear response of graphene at telecom wavelength, and compare it to experimental values obtained by the Z-scan method on the same samples. From these measurements, we estimate a negative nonlinear refractive index for monolayer graphene, $n_2 = - 1.1times 10^{-13} m^2/W$. This is in contradiction to previously reported values, which leads us to compare our experimental measurements obtained by the OHD-OKE and the Z-scan method with theoretical and experimental values found in the literature, and to discuss the discrepancies, taking into account parameters such as doping.
