Correlating CMB Spectral Distortions with Temperature: what do we learn on Inflation?

Abstract in English

Probing correlations among short and long-wavelength cosmological fluctuations is known to be decisive for deepening the current understanding of inflation at the microphysical level. Spectral distortions of the CMB can be caused by dissipation of cosmological perturbations when they re-enter Hubble after inflation. Correlating spectral distortions with temperature anisotropies will thus provide the opportunity to greatly enlarge the range of scales over which squeezed limits can be tested, opening up a new window on inflation complementing the ones currently probed with CMB and LSS. In this paper we discuss a variety of inflationary mechanisms that can be efficiently constrained with distortion-temperature correlations. For some of these realizations (representative of large classes of models) we derive quantitative predictions for the squeezed limit bispectra, finding that their amplitudes are above the sensitivity limits of an experiment such as the proposed PIXIE.
