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Emergent Kink Statistics at Finite Temperature

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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In this paper we use 1D quantum mechanical systems with Higgs-like interaction potential to study the emergence of topological objects at finite temperature. Two different model systems are studied, the standard double-well potential model and a newly introduced discrete kink model. Using Monte-Carlo simulations as well as analytic methods, we demonstrate how kinks become abundant at low temperatures. These results may shed useful insights on how topological phenomena may occur in QCD.

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182 - L. Tolos , D. Cabrera , A. Ramos 2008
We study the properties of $K$ and $bar K$ mesons in nuclear matter at finite temperature from a chiral unitary approach in coupled channels which incorporates the $s$- and p-waves of the kaon-nucleon interaction. The in-medium solution accounts for Pauli blocking effects, mean-field binding on all the baryons involved, and $pi$ and kaon self-energies. We calculate $K$ and $bar K$ (off-shell) spectral functions and single particle properties. The $bar K$ effective mass gets lowered by about -50 MeV in cold nuclear matter at saturation density and by half this reduction at T=100 MeV. The p-wave contribution to the ${bar K}$ optical potential, due to $Lambda$, $Sigma$ and $Sigma^*$ excitations, becomes significant for momenta larger than 200 MeV/c and reduces the attraction felt by the $bar K$ in the nuclear medium.The $bar K$ spectral function spreads over a wide range of energies, reflecting the melting of the $Lambda (1405)$ resonance and the contribution of $YN^{-1}$ components at finite temperature. In the $KN$ sector, we find that the low-density theorem is a good approximation for the $K$ self-energy close to saturation density due to the absence of resonance-hole excitations. The $K$ potential shows a moderate repulsive behavior, whereas the quasi-particle peak is considerably broadened with increasing density and temperature. We discuss the implications for the decay of the $phi$ meson at SIS/GSI energies as well as in the future FAIR/GSI project.
The equilibrium distributions of the different pasta geometries and their linear sizes are calculated from the mean field Gibbs energy functional in symmetric nuclear matter at finite temperature. The average sizes and shapes coincide approximately with the ones predicted by a standard pasta calculation in the coexisting phase approximation, but fluctuations are additionally calculated and seen to increase with temperature and baryonic density. The different pasta shapes are shown to coexist in a wide domain of density and temperature, in qualitative agreement with the findings of large scale molecular dynamics simulations, but with a much less expensive computational cost.
We compute the masses of the pseudoscalar mesons $pi^+$ , $K^0$ and $D^+$ at finite temperature and baryon chemical potential. The computations are based on a symmetry- preserving Dyson-Schwinger equation treatment of a vector-vector four quark contact interaction. The results found for the temperature dependence of the meson masses are in qualitative agreement with lattice QCD data and QCD sum rules calculations. The chemical potential dependence of the masses provide a novel prediction of the present computation.
102 - F.C. Khanna 1999
In this paper the dependence of meson-nucleon-nucleon vertex form factors is studied as a function of termperature. The results are obtained starting from a zero temperature Bonn potential. The temperature dependence of the vertex form factors and radii is studied in the thermofield dynamics, a real-time operator formalism of finite temperature field theory. It is anticipated that these results will have an impact on the study of relativistic heavy-ion collisions as the critical temperature for the phase transition from hadronic to quark-gluon system is approached.
175 - M. Sakamoto , K. Takenaga 2013
We consider the finite temperature effective potential of the standard model at the one-loop level in four dimensions by taking account of two kinds of order parameters, the Higgs vacuum expectation value and the zero modes of gauge fields for the Euclidean time direction. We study the vacuum structure of the model, focusing on the existence of new phase, where the zero modes, that is, the new order parameters develop nontrivial vacuum expectation values except for the center of the gauge group. We find that under certain conditions there appears no new phase at finite temperature.
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