Gushel-Mukai varieties: linear spaces and periods

Abstract in English

Beauville and Donagi proved in 1985 that the primitive middle cohomology of a smooth complex cubic fourfold and the primitive second cohomology of its variety of lines, a smooth hyperkahler fourfold, are isomorphic as polarized integral Hodge structures. We prove analogous statements for smooth complex Gushel-Mukai varieties of dimension 4 (resp. 6), i.e., smooth dimensionally transverse intersections of the cone over the Grassmannian Gr(2,5), a quadric, and two hyperplanes (resp. of the cone over Gr(2,5) and a quadric). The associated hyperkahler fourfold is in both cases a smooth double cover of a hypersurface in ${bf P}^5$ called an EPW sextic.
