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Self-current induced spin-orbit torque in FeMn/Pt multilayers

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 Added by Yanjun Xu
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Extensive efforts have been devoted to the study of spin-orbit torque in ferromagnetic metal/heavy metal bilayers and exploitation of it for magnetization switching using an in-plane current. As the spin-orbit torque is inversely proportional to the thickness of the ferromagnetic layer, sizable effect has only been realized in bilayers with an ultrathin ferromagnetic layer. Here we demonstrate that, by stacking ultrathin Pt and FeMn alternately, both ferromagnetic properties and current induced spin-orbit torque can be achieved in FeMn/Pt multilayers without any constraint on its total thickness. The critical behavior of these multilayers follows closely three-dimensional Heisenberg model with a finite Curie temperature distribution. The spin torque effective field is about 4 times larger than that of NiFe/Pt bilayer with a same equivalent NiFe thickness. The self-current generated spin torque is able to switch the magnetization reversibly without the need for an external field or a thick heavy metal layer. The removal of both thickness constraint and necessity of using an adjacent heavy metal layer opens new possibilities for exploiting spin-orbit torque for practical applications.

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The magnitude of spin-orbit torque (SOT), exerted to a ferromagnet (FM) from an adjacent heavy metal (HM), strongly depends on the amount of spin currents absorbed in the FM. We exploit the large spin absorption at the Ru interface to manipulate the SOTs in HM/FM/Ru multilayers. While the FM thickness is smaller than its spin dephasing length of 1.2 nm, the top Ru layer largely boosts the absorption of spin currents into the FM layer and substantially enhances the strength of SOT acting on the FM. Spin-pumping experiments induced by ferromagnetic resonance support our conclusions that the observed increase in the SOT efficiency can be attributed to an enhancement of the spin-current absorption. A theoretical model that considers both reflected and transmitted mixing conductances at the two interfaces of FM is developed to explain the results.
Non-collinear antiferromagnets exhibits richer magneto-transport properties due to the topologically nontrivial spin structure they possess compared to conventional nonmagnetic materials, which allows us to manipulate the charge-spin conversion more freely by taking advantage of the chirality. In this work, we explore the unconventional spin orbit torque of L1$_2$-ordered Mn$_3$Pt with a triangular spin structure. We observed an unconventional spin orbit torque along the $mathbf{x}$-direction for the (001)-oriented L1$_2$ Mn$_3$Pt, and found that it has a unique sign reversal behavior relative to the crystalline orientation. This generation of unconventional spin orbit torque for L1$_2$-ordered Mn$_3$Pt can be interpreted as stemming from the magnetic spin Hall effect. This report help clarify the correlation between the topologically nontrivial spin structure and charge-spin conversion in non-collinear antiferromagnets.
Spin Hall effect, an electric generation of spin current, allows for efficient control of magnetization. Recent theory revealed that orbital Hall effect creates orbital current, which can be much larger than spin Hall-induced spin current. However, orbital current cannot directly exert a torque on a ferromagnet, requiring a conversion process from orbital current to spin current. Here, we report two effective methods of the conversion through spin-orbit coupling engineering, which allows us to unambiguously demonstrate orbital-current-induced spin torque, or orbital Hall torque. We find that orbital Hall torque is greatly enhanced by introducing either a rare-earth ferromagnet Gd or a Pt interfacial layer with strong spin-orbit coupling in Cr/ferromagnet structures, indicating that the orbital current generated in Cr is efficiently converted into spin current in the Gd or Pt layer. Furthermore, we show that the orbital Hall torque can facilitate the reduction of switching current of perpendicular magnetization in spin-orbit-torque-based spintronic devices.
Deterministic magnetization switching using spin-orbit torque (SOT) has recently emerged as an efficient means to electrically control the magnetic state of ultrathin magnets. The SOT switching still lacks in oscillatory switching characteristics over time, therefore, it is limited to bipolar operation where a change in polarity of the applied current or field is required for bistable switching. The coherent rotation based oscillatory switching schemes cannot be applied to SOT because the SOT switching occurs through expansion of magnetic domains. Here, we experimentally achieve oscillatory switching in incoherent SOT process by controlling domain wall dynamics. We find that a large field-like component can dynamically influence the domain wall chirality which determines the direction of SOT switching. Consequently, under nanosecond current pulses, the magnetization switches alternatively between the two stable states. By utilizing this oscillatory switching behavior we demonstrate a unipolar deterministic SOT switching scheme by controlling the current pulse duration.
We report the observation of a spin-orbit torque (SOT) originating from the surface Rashba-Edelstein effect. We found that the SOT in a prototypical spin-orbitronic system, a Pt/Co bilayer, can be manipulated by molecular self-assembly on the Pt surface. This evidences that the Rashba spin-orbit coupling at the Pt surface generates a sizable SOT, which has been hidden by the strong bulk and interface spin-orbit coupling. We show that the molecular tuning of the surface Rashba-Edelstein SOT is consistent with density functional theory calculations. These results illustrate the crucial role of the surface spin-orbit coupling in the SOT generation, which alters the landscape of metallic spin-orbitronic devices.
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