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In this paper, we will discuss three semantically distinct scope assignment strategies: traditional movement strategy, polyadic approach, and continuation-based approach. As a generalized quantifier on a set X is an element of C(X), the value of continuation monad C on X, in all three approaches QPs are interpreted as C-computations. The main goal of this paper is to relate the three strategies to the computational machinery connected to the monad C (strength and derived operations). As will be shown, both the polyadic approach and the continuation-based approach make heavy use of monad constructs. In the traditional movement strategy, monad constructs are not used but we still need them to explain how the three strategies are related and what can be expected of them wrt handling scopal ambiguities in simple sentences.
We use the framework of reverse mathematics to address the question of, given a mathematical problem, whether or not it is easier to find an infinite partial solution than it is to find a complete solution. Following Flood, we say that a Ramsey-type variant of a problem is the problem with the same instances but whose solutions are the infinite partial solutions to the original problem. We study Ramsey-type variants of problems related to Konigs lemma, such as restrictions of Konigs lemma, Boolean satisfiability problems, and graph coloring problems. We find that sometimes the Ramsey-type variant of a problem is strictly easier than the original problem (as Flood showed with weak Konigs lemma) and that sometimes the Ramsey-type variant of a problem is equivalent to the original problem. We show that the Ramsey-type variant of weak Konigs lemma is robust in the sense of Montalban: it is equivalent to several perturbations of itself. We also clarify the relationship between Ramsey-type weak Konigs lemma and algorithmic randomness by showing that Ramsey-type weak weak Konigs lemma is equivalent to the problem of finding diagonally non-recursive functions and that these problems are strictly easier than Ramsey-type weak Konigs lemma. This answers a question of Flood.
Given an operad A of topological spaces, we consider A-monads in a topological category C . When A is an A-infinity-operad, any A-monad K : C -> C can be thought of as a monad up to coherent homotopies. We define the completion functor with respect to an A-infinity-monad and prove that it is an A-infinity-monad itself.
Monads are a useful tool for structuring effectful features of computation such as state, non-determinism, and continuations. In the last decade, several generalisations of monads have been suggested which provide a more fine-grained model of effects by replacing the single type constructor of a monad with an indexed family of constructors. Most notably, graded monads (indexed by a monoid) model effect systems and parameterised monads (indexed by pairs of pre- and post-conditions) model program logics. This paper studies the relationship between these two generalisations of monads via a third generalisation. This third generalisation, which we call category-graded monads, arises by generalising a view of monads as a particular special case of lax functors. A category-graded monad provides a family of functors T f indexed by morphisms f of some other category. This allows certain compositions of effects to be ruled out (in the style of a program logic) as well as an abstract description of effects (in the style of an effect system). Using this as a basis, we show how graded and parameterised monads can be unified, studying their similarities and differences along the way.
In this paper, we give precise mathematical form to the idea of a structure whose data and axioms are faithfully represented by a graphical calculus; some prominent examples are operads, polycategories, properads, and PROPs. Building on the established presentation of such structures as algebras for monads on presheaf categories, we describe a characteristic property of the associated monads---the shapeliness of the title---which says that any two operations of the same shape agree. An important part of this work is the study of analytic functors between presheaf categories, which are a common generalisation of Joyals analytic endofunctors on sets and of the parametric right adjoint functors on presheaf categories introduced by Diers and studied by Carboni--Johnstone, Leinster and Weber. Our shapely monads will be found among the analytic endofunctors, and may be characterised as the submonads of a universal analytic monad with exactly one operation of each shape. In fact, shapeliness also gives a way to define the data and axioms of a structure directly from its graphical calculus, by generating a free shapely monad on the basic operations of the calculus. In this paper we do this for some of the examples listed above; in future work, we intend to do so for graphical calculi such as Milners bigraphs, Lafonts interaction nets, or Girards multiplicative proof nets, thereby obtaining canonical notions of denotational model.
Monads can be interpreted as encoding formal expressions, or formal operations in the sense of universal algebra. We give a construction which formalizes the idea of evaluating an expression partially: for example, 2+3 can be obtained as a partial evaluation of 2+2+1. This construction can be given for any monad, and it is linked to the famous bar construction, of which it gives an operational interpretation: the bar construction induces a simplicial set, and its 1-cells are partial evaluations. We study the properties of partial evaluations for general monads. We prove that whenever the monad is weakly cartesian, partial evaluations can be composed via the usual Kan filler property of simplicial sets, of which we give an interpretation in terms of substitution of terms. In terms of rewritings, partial evaluations give an abstract reduction system which is reflexive, confluent, and transitive whenever the monad is weakly cartesian. For the case of probability monads, partial evaluations correspond to what probabilists call conditional expectation of random variables. This manuscript is part of a work in progress on a general rewriting interpretation of the bar construction.