Structure of $^{78}$Ni from first principles computations

Abstract in English

Doubly magic nuclei have a simple structure and are the cornerstones for entire regions of the nuclear chart. Theoretical insights into the supposedly doubly magic $^{78}$Ni and its neighbors are challenging because of the extreme neutron-to-proton ratio and the proximity of the continuum. We predict the $J^pi=2_1^+$ state in $^{78}$Ni from a correlation with the $J^pi=2_1^+$ state in $^{48}$Ca using chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions. Our results confirm that $^{78}$Ni is doubly magic, and the predicted low-lying states of $^{79,80}$Ni open the way for shell-model studies of many more rare isotopes.
