Optical Properties of Graphene in Magnetic and Electric fields

Abstract in English

Optical properties of graphene are explored by using the generalized tight-binding model. The main features of spectral structures, the form, frequency, number and intensity, are greatly enriched by the complex relationship among the interlayer atomic interactions, the magnetic quantization and the Coulomb potential energy. Absorption spectra have the shoulders, asymmetric peaks and logarithmic peaks, coming from the band-edge states of parabolic dispersions, the constant-energy loops and the saddle points, respectively. The initial forbidden excitation region is only revealed in even-layer AA stacking systems. Optical gaps and special structures can be generated by an electric field. The delta-function-like structures in magneto-optical spectra, which present the single, twin and double peaks, are associated with the symmetric, asymmetric and splitting Landau-level energy spectra, respectively. The single peaks due to the non-tilted Dirac cones exhibit the nearly uniform intensity. The AAB stacking possesses more absorption structures, compared to the other stackings. The diverse magneto-optical selection rules are mainly determined by the well-behaved, perturbed and undefined Landau modes. The frequent anti-crossings in the magnetic- and electric-field-dependent energy spectra lead to the increase of absorption peaks and the reduced intensities. Part of theoretical calculations are consistent with the experimental measurements, and the others need further detailed examinations.
