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Study of the charge profile of thermally poled electrets

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 Added by Jordi Sellares
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The charge profile of thermally poled electrets has been studied using two different methods, laser induced pressure pulse (LIPP) and pulsed electroacoustic (PEA), to gain insight into the mechanisms that are activated and assess which is the most appropriate method to study the charge profile. Disc--shaped PET samples have been conventionally poled to activate both the alpha and the rho relaxation and, right after, partially discharged up to a temperature Tpd. In this way, samples with a different combination of dipolar and space charge polarization have been obtained. Both LIPP and PEA reveal asymmetric profiles for Tpd below the glass transition temperature, that progressively become antisymmetric for higher temperatures. The shape and evolution of the charge profiles can be explained assuming injection of negative carriers from the anode that enhances the trapping of positive carriers near this electrode. It can be observed that PEA is able to detect a wider variety of polarization mechanisms in the system while LIPP gives a simpler picture of the charge profile.

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We have performed a depth profile study of thermally diffused Mn/GaAs (001) interfaces using photoemission spectroscopy combined with Ar$^+$-ion sputtering. We found that Mn ion was thermally diffused into the deep region of the GaAs substrate and completely reacted with GaAs. In the deep region, the Mn 2$p$ core-level and Mn 3$d$ valence-band spectra of the Mn/GaAs (001) sample heated to 600 $^{circ}$C were similar to those of Ga$_{1-x}$Mn$_x$As, zinc-blende-type MnAs dots, and/or interstitial Mn in tetrahedrally coordinated by As atoms, suggesting that the Mn 3$d$ states were essentially localized but were hybridized with the electronic states of the host GaAs. Ferromagnetism was observed in the dilute Mn phase.
Migration of charged point defects triggered by the local random depolarization field is shown to plausibly explain aging of poled ferroelectric ceramics providing reasonable time and acceptor concentration dependences of the emerging internal bias field. The theory is based on the evaluation of the energy of the local depolarization field caused by mismatch of the polarizations of neighbor grains. The kinetics of charge migration assumes presence of mobile oxygen vacancies in the material due to the intentional or unintentional acceptor doping. Satisfactory agreement of the theory with experiment on the Fe-doped lead zirconate titanate is demonstrated.
We present results on the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect (LSSE) shown by semiconducting ferrimagnetic NiFe2O4/Pt films from room temperature down to 50K base temperature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first observation of spin caloric effect in NiFe2O4 thin films. The temperature dependence of the conductivity has been studied in parallel to obtain information about the origin of the electric potentials detected at the Pt coverage of the ferrimagnet in order to distinguish the LSSE from the anomalous Nernst effect. Furthermore, the dependence of the LSSE on temperature gradients as well as the influence of an external magnetic field direction is investigated.
153 - A. Tomic , Zs. Rak , J. P. Veazey 2008
We have studied the nature of the surface charge distribution in CeTe3. This is a simple, cleavable, layered material with a robust one-dimensional incommensurate charge density wave (CDW). Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been applied on the exposed surface of a cleaved single crystal. At 77 K, the STM images show both the atomic lattice of surface Te atoms arranged in a square net and the CDW modulations oriented at 45 degrees with respect to the Te net. Fourier transform of the STM data shows Te square lattice peaks, and peaks related to the CDW oriented at 45 degrees to the lattice peaks. In addition, clear peaks are present, consistent with subsurface structure and wave vector mixing effects. These data are supported by electronic structure calculations, which show that the subsurface signal most likely arises from a lattice of Ce atoms situated 2.53 angstroms below the surface Te net.
The structural and electronic properties of thermally reduced SrTiO3(100) single crystals have been investigated using a probe with real- and reciprocal-space sensitivity: a synchrotron radiation microsopic setup which offers the possibility of Scanning Photoemission Microscopy and Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES) down to the nanometric scale. We have spectroscopically imaged the chemical composition of samples which present reproducible and suitable low-energy electron diffraction patterns after following well-established thermal reduction protocols. At the micrometric scale, Ca-rich areas have been directly imaged using high-energy resolution core level photoemission. Moreover, we have monitored the effect of Ca segregation on different features of the SrTiO3(100) electronic band structure, measuring ARPES inside, outside and at the interface of surface inhomogeneities with the identified Ca-rich areas. In particular, the interaction of Ca with the well-known intragap localized state, previously attributed to oxygen vacancies, has been investigated. Moreover, the combination of direct imaging and spectroscopic techniques with high spatial resolution has clarified the long-standing dilemma related to the bulk or surface character of Ca segregation in SrTiO3. Our results present solid evidence that the penetration depth of Ca segregation is very small. In contrast to what has been previously proposed, the origin of long-range surface reconstructions can unlikely be associated to Ca due to strong local variations of its surface concentration.
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