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Standard quantum limit of angular motion of a suspended mirror and homodyne detection of ponderomotively squeezed vacuum field

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 Added by Yutaro Enomoto
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Compared to the quantum noise in the measurement of the translational motion of a suspended mirror using laser light, the quantum noise in the measurement of the angular motion of a suspended mirror has not been investigated intensively despite its potential importance. In this article, an expression for the quantum noise in the angular motion measurement is explicitly derived. The expression indicates that one quadrature of the vacuum field of the first-order Hermite-Gaussian mode of light causes quantum sensing noise and the other causes quantum backaction noise, or in other words the first-order vacuum field is ponderomotively squeezed. It is also shown that the Gouy phase shift the light acquires between the mirror and the position of detection of the light corresponds to the homodyne angle. Therefore, the quantum backaction noise can be cancelled and the standard quantum limit can be surpassed by choosing the appropriate position of detection analogously to the cancellation of quantum radiation pressure noise by choosing an appropriate homodyne angle.

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We study the sensitivity and resolution of phase measurement in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with two-mode squeezed vacuum (<n> photons on average). We show that super-resolution and sub-Heisenberg sensitivity is obtained with parity detection. In particular, in our setup, dependence of the signal on the phase evolves <n> times faster than in traditional schemes, and uncertainty in the phase estimation is better than 1/<n>.
The interference between coherent and squeezed vacuum light can produce path entangled states with very high fidelities. We show that the phase sensitivity of the above interferometric scheme with parity detection saturates the quantum Cramer-Rao bound, which reaches the Heisenberg-limit when the coherent and squeezed vacuum light are mixed in roughly equal proportions. For the same interferometric scheme, we draw a detailed comparison between parity detection and a symmetric-logarithmic-derivative-based detection scheme suggested by Ono and Hofmann.
We present a design for a new microresonator whose geometry is optimized to maximize sub-Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) performance. The new design is predicted to have thermal noise well below the SQL across a broad range of frequencies when operated at 10K. The performance of this designed microresonator will allow it to serve as a test-bed for quantum non-demolition measurements, and to open new regimes of precision measurement that are relevant for many practical sensing applications, including advanced gravitational wave detectors.
We report on an orbital-angular-momentum-enhanced scheme for angular displacement estimation based on two-mode squeezed vacuum and parity detection. The sub-Heisenberg-limited sensitivity for angular displacement estimation is obtained in an ideal situation. Several realistic factors are also considered, including photon loss, dark counts, response-time delay, and thermal photon noise. Our results indicate that the effects of the realistic factors on the sensitivity can be offset by raising orbital angular momentum quantum number $ell$. This reflects that the robustness and the practicability of the system can be improved via raising $ell$ without changing mean photon number $N$.
122 - S. Leavey 2014
Waveguide mirrors possess nano-structured surfaces which can potentially provide a significant reduction in thermal noise over conventional dielectric mirrors. To avoid introducing additional phase noise from motion of the mirror transverse to the reflected light, however, they must possess a mechanism to suppress the phase effects associated with the incident light translating across the nano-structured surface. It has been shown that with carefully chosen parameters this additional phase noise can be suppressed. We present an experimental measurement of the coupling of transverse to longitudinal displacements in such a waveguide mirror designed for 1064 nm light. We place an upper limit on the level of measured transverse to longitudinal coupling of one part in seventeen thousand with 95% confidence, representing a significant improvement over a previously measured grating mirror.
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