The excess of events in the diphoton final state near 750 GeV observed by ATLAS and CMS can be explained within the NMSSM near the R-symmetry limit. Both scalars beyond the Standard Model Higgs boson have masses near 750 GeV, mix strongly, and share sizeable production cross sections in association with b-quarks as well as branching fractions into a pair of very light pseudoscalars. Pseudoscalars with a mass of ~ 210 MeV decay into collimated diphotons, whereas pseudoscalars with a mass of ~ 500-550 MeV can decay either into collimated diphotons or into three pi^0 resulting in collimated photon jets. Various such scenarios are discussed; the dominant constraints on the latter scenario originate from bounds on radiative Upsilon decays, but they allow for a signal cross section up to 6.7 fb times the acceptance for collimated multiphotons to pass as a single photon.