Origin of the chaotic motion of the Saturnian satellite Atlas

Abstract in English

We revisit the dynamics of Atlas. Using Cassini ISS astrometric observations spanning February 2004 to August 2013, Cooper et al. (2015) found evidence that Atlas is currently perturbed by both a 54:53 corotation eccentricity resonance (CER) and a 54:53 Lindblad eccentricity resonance (LER) with Prometheus. They demonstrated that the orbit of Atlas is chaotic, with a Lyapunov time of order 10 years, as a direct consequence of the coupled resonant interaction (CER/LER) with Prometheus. Here we investigate the interactions between the two resonances using the CoraLin analytical model (El Moutamid et al. 2014), showing that the chaotic zone fills almost all the corotation sites occupied by the satellites orbit. Four 70:67 apse-type mean motion resonances with Pandora are also overlapping, but these resonances have a much weaker effect. Frequency analysis allows us to highlight the coupling between the 54:53 resonances, and confirms that a simplified system including the perturbations due to Prometheus and Saturns oblateness only captures the essential features of the dynamics.
