Robust entanglement between a movable mirror and atomic ensemble and entanglement transfer in coupled optomechanical system

Abstract in English

We propose a scheme for the creation of robust entanglement between a movable mirror and atomic ensemble at the macroscopic level in coupled optomechanical system. In experimentally accessible parameter regimes, we show that critical temperature of the bipartite continuous variable entanglement in our scheme can be raised from previous 24 K [Vitali {it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. textbf{98}, 030405 (2007)] and 20 K [Genes {it et al.}, Phys. Rev. A textbf{77}, 050307(R) (2008)] to 32 K. We also investigate the entanglement transfer based on this coupled system. The scheme can be used for the realization of quantum memories for continuous variable quantum information processing and quantum-limited displacement measurements.
