Emergent properties of nuclei from ab initio coupled-cluster calculations

Abstract in English

Emergent properties such as nuclear saturation and deformation, and the effects on shell structure due to the proximity of the scattering continuum and particle decay channels are fascinating phenomena in atomic nuclei. In recent years, ab initio approaches to nuclei have taken the first steps towards tackling the computational challenge of describing these phenomena from Hamiltonians with microscopic degrees of freedom. This endeavor is now possible due to ideas from effective field theories, novel optimization strategies for nuclear interactions, ab initio methods exhibiting a soft scaling with mass number, and ever-increasing computational power. This paper reviews some of the recent accomplishments. We also present new results. The recently optimized chiral interaction NNLO$_{rm sat}$ is shown to provide an accurate description of both charge radii and binding energies in selected light- and medium-mass nuclei up to $^{56}$Ni. We derive an efficient scheme for including continuum effects in coupled-cluster computations of nuclei based on chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon forces, and present new results for unbound states in the neutron-rich isotopes of oxygen and calcium. The coupling to the continuum impacts the energies of the $J^pi = {1/2}^-,{3/2}^-,{7/2}^-,{3/2}^+$ states in $^{17,23,25}$O, and - contrary to naive shell-model expectations - the level ordering of the $J^pi = {3/2}^+,{5/2}^+,{9/2}^+$ states in $^{53,55,61}$Ca.
