The magnetic and transport properties of edge passivated silicene nanoribbon by Mn atoms

Abstract in English

The effect of chemical doping on the ZSiNRs with Mn as passivating element replacing H atoms at one edge are investigated by first principles calculations.The structures optimized in the typical ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic coupling show that the system leads to an AFM state and achieve half metallic properties.Also,our first principle approach based on the Keldysh nonequilibrium Greens function method gives the spin dependent transport properties of the device. When the system changes from parallel to antiparallel configuration. the spin up current increases rapidly while the spin down current is still depressed. Further, it is found that the system is a quite good spin filtering device with nearly 80 percent spin filtering efficiency at a wide bias voltage region and therefore suitable for applications. The mechanisms for these phenomena are proposed in detail.
