Chiral fermions in asymptotically safe quantum gravity

Abstract in English

We study the consistency of dynamical fermionic matter with the asymptotic safety scenario of quantum gravity using the functional renormalisation group. Since this scenario suggests strongly coupled quantum gravity in the UV, one expects gravity-induced fermion self-interactions at energies of the Planck-scale. These could lead to chiral symmetry breaking at very high energies and thus to large fermion masses in the IR. The present analysis which is based on the previous works cite{Christiansen:2015rva, Meibohm:2015twa}, concludes that gravity-induced chiral symmetry breaking at the Planck scale is avoided for a general class of NJL-type models, regardless of the number of fermion flavours. This suggests that the phase diagram for these models is topologically stable under the influence of gravitational interactions.
